World Asthma Day-Alert Asthma threat
Asthma, a lung disease, affects over 24 million people living in the United States, including more than 6 million children. It causes 3 in 5 people living with asthma to limit their physical activity or miss days at school and work. Asthma is also expensive, costing the nation $56 billion each year.
On World Asthma Day (Tuesday, May 2) and throughout May, people with asthma and organizations dedicated to asthma control and education join together to increase awareness about asthma and improve the lives of all people with asthma.
World Asthma Day is a big event celebrated all over the world by the people to increase the awareness among public worldwide about the precautions and preventions of the asthma. This event is annually organized on international level by the GINA (Global Initiative for Asthma) in order to increase the asthma awareness all around the world. It is celebrated on annual basis at 1st Tuesday of the May month. World Asthma Day celebration was first started celebrating in the year 1998 by the GINA in more than 35 countries after its first “World Asthma Meeting” in the Barcelona, Spain.
GINA organizes variety of programmes every year with the help of organizers and associates like health care groups and asthma educators to encourage and motivate common public using the sub-theme called “It’s Time to Control Asthma”. GINA decides the every year’s theme of celebration as well as distributes the materials and resources to the organizers to organize programmes. Various health care professionals, members, educators, and other health care organizations take part in the celebration by showing their activities related to the asthma at many public places in order to help people reducing their burden of asthma.
What Causes Asthma?
There is no clear reason for the occurrence of asthma but there are various aspects that can cause the development of asthma. Here are some of the common causes of it:
Genetics: Genes pose a big impact in the development of asthma in a person. Once the parents or even the primary relatives have asthma, there is a big chance of passing it to the next generation since it runs in the family.
Environment: It has been believed that exposure to allergens, irritants, and dust from the environment may predispose a person to developing asthma, especially to infants since they still have an immature immune system.
Allergens: Sensitivity to certain allergens or having allergies may result in the occurrence of asthma. Due to that fact that allergies can trigger histamine production, there will be a massive inflammatory effect that can cause the lungs to swell and narrow.
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